Publications Listing


  • Rooke, R., Krupp, J.J., Rasool, A., Golemiec, M., Stewart, M., Schneider, J. & J.D. Levine. The Gene “degrees of kevin bacon” (dokb) Regulates a Social Network Behaviour in Drosophila melanogaster. Nature Communications,


  • Vasquez, O.E., Allen, A.M., So, A.K-C., Nguyen, Q.H., Krause, H.M., Levine, J.D. & M.B. Sokolowski (2023) Characterizing the Protein Isoforms of foraging (for), the PKGI Ortholog in Drosophila melanogaster. International Journal of Molecular Sciences,


  • Hegazi, S., Cheng, A.H., Krupp, J.J., Tasaki, T., Liu, J., Szulc, D.A., Ling, H.H., Garcia, J.R., Seecharran, S., Basiri, T., Amiri, M., Anwar, Z., Ahmad, Z., Nayal, K., Sonenberg, N., Liu, B-H., Cheng, H-L.M., Levine, J.D. & H-Y.M. Cheng (2022) UBR4/POE Facilitates Secretory Trafficking to Maintain Circadian Clock Synchrony. Nature Communications,
  • Batista, G., Levine, J.D. & A. Silva (2022) The Neuroethology of Social Behavior. Frontiers in Neural Circuits,



  • Rooke, R., Rasool, A., Schneider, J. & J.D. Levine. (2020) Drosophila melanogaster behaviour changes in different social environments based on group size and density. Communications Biology. 3, 304.
  • Reh, R.K., Dias, B.G., Nelson III, C.A., Kaufer, D., Werker, J.F., Kolb, B., Levine, J.D. & T.K. Hensch. (2020) Critical period regulation across multiple timescales. PNAS,
  • Jezovit, J.A., Rooke, R., Schneider, J. & J.D. Levine (2020) Behavioral and environmental contributions to drosophilid social networks. PNAS,
  • Krupp, J.J., Nayal, K., Wong, A., Millar, J.G. & J.D. Levine. (2020) Desiccation resistance is an adaptive life-history trait dependent upon cuticular hydrocarbons, and influenced by mating status and temperature in D. melanogaster. Journal of Insect Physiology, 121: 103990.


  • N. Alwash & J.D. Levine (2019) Network analyses reveal structure in insect social groups. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 35: 54-59
  • Hegazi, S., Lowden, C., Garcia, J.R., Cheng, A.H., Obrietan, K., Levine, J.D. & H-Y.M. Cheng. (2019) A Symphony of Signals: Intercellular and Intracellular Signaling Mechanisms Underlying Circadian Timekeeping in Mice and Flies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(9):2363;
  • Vernier, C. L., Krupp, J. J., Marcus, K., Hefetz, A., Levine, J. D., & Ben-Shahar, Y. (2019). The cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of honey bee workers develop via a socially-modulated innate process. eLife8, e41855.
  • Nihal Murali, Jonathan Schneider, Joel Levine, and Graham Taylor (2019) Classification and re-identification of fruit fly individuals across days with convolutional neural networks. IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)


  • Peter A. Combs, Joshua J. Krupp, Neil M. Khosla, Dennis Bua, Dmitri A. Petrov, Joel D. Levine, Hunter B. Fraser (2018) Tissue-Specific cis-Regulatory Divergence Implicates eloF in Inhibiting Interspecies Mating in Drosophila. Current Biology (28)24: 969-3975.e3, ISSN 0960-9822.
  • Schneider J, Murali N, Taylor GW, Levine JD (2018) Can Drosophila melanogaster tell who’s who? PLoS ONE 13(10): e0205043.


  • Pavan RamdyaJonathan SchneiderJoel D. Levine (2017) The neurogenetics of group behavior in Drosophila melanogaster.
  • Jacob A. JezovitJoel D. LevineJonathan Schneider (2017) Phylogeny, environment and sexual communication across the Drosophila genus.


  • Golemiec M, Schneider J, Boyce W T, Bush NR, Adler N, and Levine JD (2016). Layered Social Network Analysis Reveals Complex Relationships in Kindergarteners. Frontiers in Psychology 7:276 PMC4773607
  • Gorter JA, Jagadeesh S, Gahr C, Boonekamp JJ, Levine JD, Billeter J-C (2016). The nutritional and hedonic value of food modulate sexual receptivity in Drosophila melanogaster females. Scientific Reports 6, Article number 19441
  • Schneider J, Atallah J, and Levine JD (2016). Social Structure and Indirect Genetic Effects: Genetics of Social Behaviour. Biological Reviews (Accepted)


  • Billeter J-C and Levine JD (2015) The role of cVA and the Odorant binding protein Lush in social and sexual behavior in Drosophila melanogaster. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 3(75):1-14.


  • Billeter JC and Levine JD (2014) Neurogenetics: Sex and the Female Brain. Current Biology, 24(17): R812–R814.
  • Krupp JJ and Levine JD (2014) Neural Circuits: Anatomy of a Sexual Behaviour. Current Biology, 24(8): R327-R329.
  • Schneider J and Levine JD (2014) Automated identification of social interaction criteria in Drosophila melanogaster. Biology Letters, 10(10) 20140749.


  • Krupp JJ, Billeter J-C, Wong A, Choi C, Nitabach MN, and Levine JD (2013) Pigment-Dispersing Factor Modulates Pheromone Production in Clock Cells that Influence Mating in Drosophila. Neuron 79(1):54-68
  • Garbaczewska M, Billeter J-C and Levine JD (2013) Drosophila melanogaster males increase the number of sperm in their ejaculate when perceiving rival males. Journal of Insect Physiology 59(3), 306-310
  • Bartok O, Kyriacou C, Levine JD, Sehgal A, Kadener S (2013) Adaptation of molecular circadian clockwork to environmental changes: a role for alternative splicing and miRNAs. Proc. Royal Soc.-B 280(1765): 20130011
  • Bloch G, Herzog ED, Levine JD, Schwartz WJ (2013) Socially Synchronized Circadian Oscillators. Proc. Royal Soc.-B 280(1765): 20130015


  • Billeter JC, and Levine JD (2012). Who is he and what is he to you? Recognition in Drosophila melanogaster. Current Opinion in Neurobiology
  • Schneider J, Atallah J, and Levine JD (2012) One, Two, and Many—A perspective on what groups of Drosophila melanogaster can tell us about social dynamics. Advances in Genetics 77, 59–78.
  • Schneider J, Dickinson MH and Levine JD (2012) Social structures depend on innate determinants and chemosensory processing in Drosophila. PNAS, 109:17174-17179
  • Billeter JC, Jagadeesh S, Stepek N, Azanchi R and Levine JD (2012) Drosophila melanogaster females change mating behavior and offspring production based on social context. Proc. Royal Soc. 279:2417-2425
  • Schneider J, Atallah J and Levine JD (2012). One, two, and many — a perspective on what groups of Drosophila melanogaster can tell us about social dynamics. Advances in Genetics, 77:59-78. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-387687-4.00003-9.


  • Wang L, Xiaoqing H, Mehren J, Hiroi M, Billeter J-C, Miyamoto T, Amrein H, Levine JD and DA Anderson (2011) Heirarchiacal Chemosensory Regulation of Male-Male Social Interactions in Drosophila. Nature Neuroscience, 14:757-762.
  • Levine JD, Billeter J-C, Krull U, and R Sodhi (2011) The cuticular surface of D. melanogaster: ToF-SIMS on the fly. Surface and Interface Analysis, 43(1-2): 317-321.

2010 & earlier

  • Fernandez MP, Chan Y-B, Yew J-Y, Billeter J-C, Driesewerd K, Levine JD and EA Kravitz (2010) Pheromonal and Behavioral Cues Trigger Male-to-Female Aggression in Drosophila. PLoS Biology, 8(11): el000541.
  • Krupp, JJ and Levine JD (2010) Dissection of oenocytes from adult Drosophila melanogaster. JoVE, 41:e2242 doi: 10.379112242.
  • Krupp JJ and Levine JD (2010) Biological Clocks: The Taste-Time Continuum. Current Biology, 20(4): RI47-RI49.
  • Sokolowski MB and Levine JD (2010) “Nature Nurture Interactions” in Social Behaviour: Genes, Ecology and Evolution. Editors: T. Szekely, AJ. Moore, J. Komdeur. Cambridge University Press.
  • Billeter J-C, Atallah J, Krupp J, Millar JG and Levine JD (2009) Specialized cells tag sexual and species identity in Drosophila melanogaster. Nature, 461: 987-991.
  • Levine JD and JG Millar (2009) Chemical Signaling: Laser on the Fly Reveals A New Chemical Word. Current Biology, 19(15): R653-R655.
  • Levine JD (2008) Glia and Romance. Nature Neurosci., 11:8-10.
  • Krupp JJ, Kent C, Billeter JC, Azanchi R, So AK, Schonfeld JA, Smith BP, Lucas C and Levine JD (2008) Social experience modifies pheromone expression and mating behavior in male Drosophila melanogaster. Current Biology, 18(8): 1373-83, Epub 2008 Sept 11.
  • Kent C, Azanchi R, Smith B, Formosa A and Levine JD (2008) Social context influences chemical communication in D. melanogaster males. Current Biology, 18(8): 1384-9, Epub 2008 Sept 11.
  • Kent C, Azanchi R, Smith B, Chu A and Levine JD (2007) A model based analysis of chemical and temporal patterns of cuticular hydrocarbons in male Drosophila melanogaster. PLoS ONE, 2(9):e962.
  • Belay A, Scheiner R, So AKC, Douglas S, Chakaborty-Chatterjee M, Levine JD, and MB Sokolowski (2007) The foraging gene of Drosophila melanogaster: spatial expression analysis and sucrose responsiveness. J Comp.Neurol., 504(5): 570-582.
  • Ejima A, Smith BPC, Lucas C, van der Goes van Naters W, Carlson J, Levine JD, and LC Griffith (2007) Generalization of courtship learning in Drosophila is mediated by cis-vaccenyl acetate. Current Biology, 17:599-65
  • Douglas SJ and Levine JD (2006) Sex cells: dissecting the functions fruitless isoforms. Current Biology, 16(11):R405-7.
  • Ejima A, Smith BPC, Lucas C, Levine JD, and LC Griffith (2005) Sequential Learning of Pheromonal Cues Modulates Memory Consolidation in Trainer-Specific Associative Courtship Conditioning. Current Biology, 15:194-26
  • Levine JD (2004) Sharing Time On The Fly. Curr Opin Cell Biol., 16(2):210-216.