Rooke, R., Krupp, J.J., Rasool, A., Golemiec, M., Stewart, M., Schneider, J. & J.D. Levine. The Gene “degrees of kevin bacon” (dokb) Regulates a Social Network Behaviour in Drosophila melanogaster. Nature Communications,
Vasquez, O.E., Allen, A.M., So, A.K-C., Nguyen, Q.H., Krause, H.M., Levine, J.D. & M.B. Sokolowski (2023) Characterizing the Protein Isoforms of foraging (for), the PKGI Ortholog in Drosophila melanogaster. International Journal of Molecular Sciences,
Alwash, N., Allen, A.M., Sokolowski, M.B. & J.D. Levine (2021) The Drosophila melanogaster foraging gene affects social networks. Journal of Neurogenetics,
Rooke, R., Rasool, A., Schneider, J. & J.D. Levine. (2020) Drosophila melanogaster behaviour changes in different social environments based on group size and density. Communications Biology. 3, 304.
Reh, R.K., Dias, B.G., Nelson III, C.A., Kaufer, D., Werker, J.F., Kolb, B., Levine, J.D. & T.K. Hensch. (2020) Critical period regulation across multiple timescales. PNAS,
Jezovit, J.A., Rooke, R., Schneider, J. & J.D. Levine (2020) Behavioral and environmental contributions to drosophilid social networks. PNAS,
Krupp, J.J., Nayal, K., Wong, A., Millar, J.G. & J.D. Levine. (2020) Desiccation resistance is an adaptive life-history trait dependent upon cuticular hydrocarbons, and influenced by mating status and temperature in D. melanogaster. Journal of Insect Physiology, 121: 103990.
N. Alwash & J.D. Levine (2019) Network analyses reveal structure in insect social groups. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 35: 54-59
Hegazi, S., Lowden, C., Garcia, J.R., Cheng, A.H., Obrietan, K., Levine, J.D. & H-Y.M. Cheng. (2019) A Symphony of Signals: Intercellular and Intracellular Signaling Mechanisms Underlying Circadian Timekeeping in Mice and Flies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(9):2363;
Vernier, C. L., Krupp, J. J., Marcus, K., Hefetz, A., Levine, J. D., & Ben-Shahar, Y. (2019). The cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of honey bee workers develop via a socially-modulated innate process. eLife, 8, e41855.
Nihal Murali, Jonathan Schneider, Joel Levine, and Graham Taylor (2019) Classification and re-identification of fruit fly individuals across days with convolutional neural networks. IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)
Peter A. Combs, Joshua J. Krupp, Neil M. Khosla, Dennis Bua, Dmitri A. Petrov, Joel D. Levine, Hunter B. Fraser (2018) Tissue-Specific cis-Regulatory Divergence Implicates eloF in Inhibiting Interspecies Mating in Drosophila. Current Biology (28)24: 969-3975.e3, ISSN 0960-9822.
Schneider J, Murali N, Taylor GW, Levine JD (2018) Can Drosophila melanogaster tell who’s who? PLoS ONE 13(10): e0205043.
Pavan Ramdya, Jonathan Schneider, Joel D. Levine (2017) The neurogenetics of group behavior in Drosophila melanogaster.Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 35-41; doi: 10.1242/jeb.141457
Jacob A. Jezovit, Joel D. Levine, Jonathan Schneider (2017) Phylogeny, environment and sexual communication across the Drosophila genus. Journal of Experimental Biology 2017 220: 42-52; doi: 10.1242/jeb.143008
Golemiec M, Schneider J, Boyce W T, Bush NR, Adler N, and Levine JD (2016). Layered Social Network Analysis Reveals Complex Relationships in Kindergarteners. Frontiers in Psychology 7:276 PMC4773607
Gorter JA, Jagadeesh S, Gahr C, Boonekamp JJ, Levine JD, Billeter J-C (2016). The nutritional and hedonic value of food modulate sexual receptivity in Drosophila melanogaster females. Scientific Reports 6, Article number 19441
Schneider J, Atallah J, and Levine JD (2016). Social Structure and Indirect Genetic Effects: Genetics of Social Behaviour. Biological Reviews (Accepted)
Billeter J-C and Levine JD (2015) The role of cVA and the Odorant binding protein Lush in social and sexual behavior in Drosophila melanogaster. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 3(75):1-14.
Billeter JC and Levine JD (2014) Neurogenetics: Sex and the Female Brain. Current Biology, 24(17): R812–R814.
Krupp JJ and Levine JD (2014) Neural Circuits: Anatomy of a Sexual Behaviour. Current Biology, 24(8): R327-R329.
Schneider J and Levine JD (2014) Automated identification of social interaction criteria in Drosophila melanogaster. Biology Letters, 10(10) 20140749.
Krupp JJ, Billeter J-C, Wong A, Choi C, Nitabach MN, and Levine JD (2013) Pigment-Dispersing Factor Modulates Pheromone Production in Clock Cells that Influence Mating in Drosophila. Neuron 79(1):54-68
Garbaczewska M, Billeter J-C and Levine JD (2013) Drosophila melanogaster males increase the number of sperm in their ejaculate when perceiving rival males. Journal of Insect Physiology 59(3), 306-310
Bartok O, Kyriacou C, Levine JD, Sehgal A, Kadener S (2013) Adaptation of molecular circadian clockwork to environmental changes: a role for alternative splicing and miRNAs. Proc. Royal Soc.-B 280(1765): 20130011
Bloch G, Herzog ED, Levine JD, Schwartz WJ (2013) Socially Synchronized Circadian Oscillators. Proc. Royal Soc.-B 280(1765): 20130015
Billeter JC, and Levine JD (2012). Who is he and what is he to you? Recognition in Drosophila melanogaster. Current Opinion in Neurobiology
Schneider J, Atallah J, and Levine JD (2012) One, Two, and Many—A perspective on what groups of Drosophila melanogaster can tell us about social dynamics. Advances in Genetics 77, 59–78.
Schneider J, Dickinson MH and Levine JD (2012) Social structures depend on innate determinants and chemosensory processing in Drosophila. PNAS, 109:17174-17179
Billeter JC, Jagadeesh S, Stepek N, Azanchi R and Levine JD (2012) Drosophila melanogaster females change mating behavior and offspring production based on social context. Proc. Royal Soc. 279:2417-2425
Schneider J, Atallah J and Levine JD (2012). One, two, and many — a perspective on what groups of Drosophila melanogaster can tell us about social dynamics. Advances in Genetics, 77:59-78. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-387687-4.00003-9.
Wang L, Xiaoqing H, Mehren J, Hiroi M, Billeter J-C, Miyamoto T, Amrein H, Levine JD and DA Anderson (2011) Heirarchiacal Chemosensory Regulation of Male-Male Social Interactions in Drosophila. Nature Neuroscience, 14:757-762.
Levine JD, Billeter J-C, Krull U, and R Sodhi (2011) The cuticular surface of D. melanogaster: ToF-SIMS on the fly. Surface and Interface Analysis, 43(1-2): 317-321.
2010 & earlier
Fernandez MP, Chan Y-B, Yew J-Y, Billeter J-C, Driesewerd K, Levine JD and EA Kravitz (2010) Pheromonal and Behavioral Cues Trigger Male-to-Female Aggression in Drosophila. PLoS Biology, 8(11): el000541.
Krupp, JJ and Levine JD (2010) Dissection of oenocytes from adult Drosophila melanogaster. JoVE, 41:e2242 doi: 10.379112242.
Krupp JJ and Levine JD (2010) Biological Clocks: The Taste-Time Continuum. Current Biology, 20(4): RI47-RI49.
Sokolowski MB and Levine JD (2010) “Nature Nurture Interactions” in Social Behaviour: Genes, Ecology and Evolution. Editors: T. Szekely, AJ. Moore, J. Komdeur. Cambridge University Press.
Billeter J-C, Atallah J, Krupp J, Millar JG and Levine JD (2009) Specialized cells tag sexual and species identity in Drosophila melanogaster. Nature, 461: 987-991.
Levine JD and JG Millar (2009) Chemical Signaling: Laser on the Fly Reveals A New Chemical Word. Current Biology, 19(15): R653-R655.
Levine JD (2008) Glia and Romance. Nature Neurosci., 11:8-10.
Krupp JJ, Kent C, Billeter JC, Azanchi R, So AK, Schonfeld JA, Smith BP, Lucas C and Levine JD (2008) Social experience modifies pheromone expression and mating behavior in male Drosophila melanogaster. Current Biology, 18(8): 1373-83, Epub 2008 Sept 11.
Kent C, Azanchi R, Smith B, Formosa A and Levine JD (2008) Social context influences chemical communication in D. melanogaster males. Current Biology, 18(8): 1384-9, Epub 2008 Sept 11.
Kent C, Azanchi R, Smith B, Chu A and Levine JD (2007) A model based analysis of chemical and temporal patterns of cuticular hydrocarbons in male Drosophila melanogaster. PLoS ONE, 2(9):e962.
Belay A, Scheiner R, So AKC, Douglas S, Chakaborty-Chatterjee M, Levine JD, and MB Sokolowski (2007) The foraging gene of Drosophila melanogaster: spatial expression analysis and sucrose responsiveness. J Comp.Neurol., 504(5): 570-582.
Ejima A, Smith BPC, Lucas C, van der Goes van Naters W, Carlson J, Levine JD, and LC Griffith (2007) Generalization of courtship learning in Drosophila is mediated by cis-vaccenyl acetate. Current Biology, 17:599-65
Douglas SJ and Levine JD (2006) Sex cells: dissecting the functions fruitless isoforms. Current Biology, 16(11):R405-7.
Ejima A, Smith BPC, Lucas C, Levine JD, and LC Griffith (2005) Sequential Learning of Pheromonal Cues Modulates Memory Consolidation in Trainer-Specific Associative Courtship Conditioning. Current Biology, 15:194-26
Levine JD (2004) Sharing Time On The Fly. Curr Opin Cell Biol., 16(2):210-216.